Industry Updates - Vending, Micro Markets and Office Coffee Services
We have buyers!
GREAT News? - This industry has more buyers than ever before! We have interested companies looking for acquisitions for quality vending, micro market and office coffee companies for sale. . We are seeing Micro Markets replace cafeterias and food service locations. The easiest and fastest way for food service providers to continue growth is to acquire talent through acquisitions. We have multiple buyers so reach out to see what we can do for you to make the exit plan strategy easier and more lucrative. Most buyers will want your employees and talent, so you can factor this in to your decision.
Watch the video below of Broker/Owner Mike Ferguson while at the 2022 NAMA trade show.

From a real customer that I sold the business in April, 2020:
"I want to personally thank you for all of your help in facilitating the sale of our business. Thank you for answering all of our questions, and for explaining everything so well.
Everyone at XXXXXXXXX ( Buyer) we met are wonderful people, and we feel very comfortable and blessed to be turning it over to them. Everything went splendid with introductions and conversations with them at our accounts. It was a fun business, although a lot of hard work, and we will miss aspects of it and all the wonderful people that we have been blessed to service.
We are SO excited to have it done!!"
"Thank you so much!!
God Bless You!"
From a real customer sold in 2021:
Mike, You can always use me as a reference! You did a great job and I’m very appreciative of your efforts. Guessing this deal was a bit of a strain, but YOU Got It Done! Use me as a reference - I have been treated very fairly!
From a real customer in 2022:
"Mike, Thank you so much for all that you did. we could have never got such a great deal as you did for us for our business! Hopefully, we can relax and go on vacation together now!"
From a real customer in 2023
"Hello Mike, You have been amazing to work with. We could have never got this business sold without you."
From a real customer in 2024
"Hey Mike, thanks so much for your hard worth in getting my vending business sold. You were such a help extracting the right information out of our Cantaloupe system and working with us all the way till the closing. I could have never done this without your help. I owe you a great dinner out!"
From a real customer in 2025
"Wow Mike, I can't believe you got my water company sold in 30 days. What a blessing it was to meet you. I could have never sold this business on my own. Now I can retire and finally enjoy some down time and play some golf!"
Mike Ferguson, owner of VMAC Solutions, LLC is a former Vending and Office Coffee business owner and operator, turned specialized Intermediary Business Broker. Who better to discuss the selling of your business than from a former owner and operator of over 34+ years in the Convenience Service business. Mike is very excited about the future of vending and coffee being great. Mike always says, “I speak fluent Vending and Office Coffee”. Mike can be met at most major NAMA events. You can reach Mike at 713-569-6463, or email Mike@VMACsolutions.com.